Stuck in a reading rut

It's time for me to admit the truth: I'm a librarian, and I don't read.

Alright... that's not entirely true. I flip through craft books and cookbooks all of the time, but it's not the same as sitting down and reading a book - at least it doesn't feel that way. I love books, I really do, but at some point in college I stopped finding the time to read books for pleasure, and it's been a difficult habit to get myself back into.

I know this might sound like blasphemy to many of my friends. But whenever I log into my Goodreads account, I'm reminded of how little I've read in my lifetime, and it's kind of depressing. Granted, I'm not listing the 60+ Babysitter's Club books on Goodreads that I read as a kid, but still. There's only a little over 100 other books that I can recall reading, and that's just not enough.

And if that weren't enough, I recently attended a Reader's Advisory training at work where staff were throwing out names of authors I didn't know, talking about books I'd never heard of, and generally having a wonderfully intellectual discussion about books and reading that I couldn't participate in. Sure, I know that I don't have to read everything to do my job, but it still made me feel very inadequate.

So how do I fit reading back into my life? Well, I joined a book club - I figure that's a good start. We're reading Dracula this month, which is a book I've always wanted to read. And to give myself an extra challenge, I'm reading it on my iPhone! I've never really tried reading an ebook, and there's a "Classics" iPhone app (only 99 cents!) that includes Dracula, so I'm giving it a chance.

What are you reading right now? Does anyone else have trouble finding time to read too?

5 Responses to "Stuck in a reading rut"

Ryan responded on 5/28/2009 12:00 PM #

I find that I read a ton less than I did in middle and high school. Back then I didn't have a computer, though.

I read a lot on my computer, news and some wikipedia every day.

Last month was the last time I finished a real book - Robert Zubrin's "How to Live on Mars"

Morning Toast responded on 5/28/2009 4:09 PM #

The number of books I've read in the past 11 years since high school is laughable. And the number of books I read (and remember reading) during school is also laughable.

Reading is fun, but overrated.

It just has to be a *really* interesting book.

luckeyfrog responded on 5/29/2009 6:34 PM #

I used to read so much, but it started going down in high school (between homework and extracurriculars, time was at a premium) and it's gotten even worse in college. After student teaching finished this semester, I was so excited to go get books from the library. I obviously read some stuff at school, and I read a lot online ( sucks me in), but I miss books.

I'd love to join a book club. I've thought about starting an online one with friends, if nothing else.

Last book I read that I LOVED was over Christmas break- The Art of Racing in the Rain. It's from a dog's point of view and I highly recommend it, especially if you're a dog person. :)

Barbara responded on 5/30/2009 4:45 PM #

Erica, you are absolutely right about how to motivate yourself to read great books, join a book club. The one I belong to is very informal, and up until November of 2008 we spent an awful lot of time yelling about politics, but we DO have some interesting discussions. We are now reading Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut. You should read this book! The major theme is, humans big brains get them in trouble. Vonnegut is very funny.
Barbara B

Cheryl responded on 6/10/2009 4:56 AM #

I have felt exactly the same way about reading and being a librarian. Lucky me though as a children's librarian I get away with reading kiddie books all the time which are nice quick reads :) I go on through phases though where I am reading all the time or when I haven't picked up a book in ages. I'm actually starting up a book club this Fall so let me know if you need more motivation ;) I agree that that's a great way to get more reading in.